Friday 15 March 2013

When our son Dylan was diagnosed with an infection of the bloodstream we were devestated...

In September 2011 our son Dylan was taken to Sheffield Children’s Hospital. He was diagnosed with an infection of the bloodstream, Streptococcal A septicemia. With Dylan being only four years old at the time of diagnosis, we were devastated. We spent all our time by his bedside and didn’t want to leave, we could think of nothing else but his recovery, we didn’t eat or sleep the whole time Dylan was in the intensive care unit. We are from Chesterfield so we wouldn’t have been able to travel the distance everyday. He remained in the intensive care unit for 11 days. When Dylan began to recover, we were able to leave his bedside and were informed about The Sick Children’s Trust and the accommodation that they provide. We immediately put our names down and were offered a room at Treetop House. It was great, not only could we stay close to Dylan but our daughter Ellie Mae, only aged two at the time, could also stay with us. Dylan and Ellie are really close, so it meant a lot that we could all stay together and be close to Dylan. With the accommodation being situated on the top floor of the hospital, we could shower, sleep and eat proper meals again. We also had the comfort of knowing that while we were away from the ward, we had a direct line to Dylan’s bedside as well as being only one lift ride away from him. The accommodation The Sick Children’s Trust provided was incredibly helpful. It was a weight off our minds in practical terms as we knew that we wouldn’t have been able to travel home to Chesterfield everyday. It was also really supportive emotionally as it was good to talk to other parents and families who were going through a similar journey as us. Also, the staff at Treetop House were amazing, they were so caring and were always there as a shoulder to cry on when we needed them. We cannot thank The Sick Children’s Trust enough for all they have done for us. Dylan has now recovered really well and we are so pleased. He is enjoying and doing well at school and also has become a keen swimmer. He is so happy and is always smiling. As much as we would like to forget Dylan’s hospital stay and the time we spent in Sheffield Children’s Hospital, we will never forget and will always appreciate the accommodation The Sick Children’s Trust provides. Colleen Beer, Dylan’s Mum

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