Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Cheer

Our Events Executive, Suzanne Patrick, updates us on A Christmas Quiz.

As the events executive here at The Sick Children's Trust, it's not really surprising that I love all things festive and joyously embraced the opportunity to put on our first Christmas Quiz in London. However, I was truly amazed that at the enthusiasm for others to get involved and by those who dressed up for the occasion...

Preparations started in full in November, once the Big Chocolate Tea Party campaign drew to a close. There were questions to be written, prizes to be found and most importantly guests to be invited.

Here in London, we've always found it tricky to fill venues. There are just so many different events taking place every night of the week and even the most ardent supporters can't always attend. So we were delighted when tables started confirming and over sixty eager quizzers reserved their places at The Wine Tun.

Surprisingly, finding prizes proved to be the easiest part. Ping Pong and The Real Greek restaurant chains generously donated vouchers for first and second place, whilst comedy club Fymfyg once again came up trumps and sent us tickets for third. The hardest part was actually writing the quiz itself: the questions always seem so much easier when you have the answers in front of you and it's not until you watch people on the night that you know if you have got it right or not!

Fortunately, everyone had a brilliant time and promises to return again next year. A warm welcome on the door by our very own Christmas presents, Sarah and Karen, quickly set the tone for the evening, whilst Chris Fitchew from Beau Productions proved to be a hilarious quizmaster.

The good news is that the Christmas Quiz is now available to download from our website and you can put your family, friends and colleagues to the test!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Suzanne

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