Thursday 19 November 2009

Topping out for the Big Move

Our House Operations Manager, Sue Cartwright, gives us an update on the Big Move Appeal.

Photo Caption: (L-R) Matthew Parsons with our Patron , Christopher Timothy.

Our new house refurbishment at the LGI in Leeds is progressing well and with the new roof near to completion we held a 'Topping Out' ceremony to mark the occasion. One of our patrons, Christopher Timothy agreed to be part of the photo shoot along with the Parson family who have used Eckersley House many times during their son Matthew's illness and treatment at St. James's.

I prayed long and hard that we would have a dry and sunny day as up on the roof there would be little shelter should a November wind decide to prayers were answered and we were rewarded with a good day!

We all donned our high vis vests, boots and hard hats and the photo shoot began! Christopher and Matthew were stars and very patient during the many photo poses on the ground and up above.

It was a great day and good to meet Christopher who has supported our charity for many years. He was immensely impressed by the new building and how big it will be. He, like the rest of us, can't wait for the day we cut the tape and open the doors so many more families, like the Parsons, can benefit from our work.

Thanks to everyone involved including Jennifer Middleton, The Parsons and the staff from William Birch Ltd and of course Christopher.

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