Thursday 15 September 2011

Our stay at Eckersley House

My husband and I stayed at Eckersley House from January 2011 for nearly three months as our son Josh, who is two years old, has a congenital heart defect, which the doctor has described as unique and complicated.

We found out about The Sick Children’s Trust through the Children’s Heart Surgery Ward at the Leeds General Infirmary when Josh was admitted to the cardiac unit and they have been a massive help not only practically but emotional too during this time.

Living in Pontefract, Eckersley House has helped us financially as we have not had to pay for petrol or a hotel; it really has removed some stress. It has been so important to be across from the ward, having nearly lost Josh five times during his treatments, it is absolutely critical that we are here. I couldn’t even imagine not been able to hold his hand when he needed me at any point day or night, and thanks to The Sick Children’s Trust I didn’t have to endure that.

Being at Eckersley House has helped give the family a sense of normality. Josh’s older siblings have come over to stay and we have all sat down together around the table and eaten a home cooked meal. Josh has actually eaten more at Eckersley House than the hospital as he doesn’t like the food off the trolley, so it’s been an important part of his recovery – keeping his strength up.

My husband Tony and I have also found respite at the house. It allows us to spend some quality time together and take stock of the situation, away from the wards, which given the stressful nature of our circumstances, don’t really help you to think straight.

We have met some lovely friends through staying at Eckersley House and it’s been such a comfort knowing others are going through similar situations. Jane and the team at the house have been so fantastic, helping us feel settled and have become our friends and allow us to interact in an otherwise unfamiliar environment.

Josh now has outpatient appointments and is in palliative care so we will still be staying at Eckersley House when necessary. We are so grateful to The Sick Children’s Trust for providing a great service in our time of need.

Jo Smith, Josh’s mum

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