Tuesday 12 April 2011


By Heather Brown, Special Events Manager at The Sick Children's Trust.

This year, as part of our Big Chocolate Tea Party camapaign we were lucky enough to be the chosen charity for The Chocolate Festival. We were invited to do a Big Chocolate Tea Party for kids at the event which was held on the Southbank last Sunday.

The sun was shining and around 100 children and their parents joined us to celebrate chocolate in lots of fun ways! We had two craft tables where the kids made pictures and cards of cupcakes and teapots, but I think it’s safe to say that the number one attraction in our marquee was the chocolate decorating!

Expert baker, Lily Vanilli joined us with a variety of bases for the children to cover with treats, sprinkles and of course plenty of chocolate! Thanks to Lily, the kids (and their parents) enjoyed getting creative, and eating the results too.

We were also delighted to see the presenters of Channel 5’s children’s show, Milkshake, Derek and Jen, get involved with some crafts themselves. The kids were definitely excited and they added that extra sparkle to a perfect day.

Thanks to everyone who came along… now, who’s up for doing their own Chocolate Tea Party?!

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