Monday 21 June 2010


What a fun day we all had on Saturday 19 June, 2010. Lydia Solomon, community fundraiser, and PR and marketing Manager, Sarah Wallace, were joined by six of our supporters at Upton Park, the home of West Ham United, for an afternoon of exhilarating zip sliding!

The sun was shining as Jolene Cowlbeck, Keith Allen, Jackie Hammond, James Barry and Paul and Leon Woodhouse. took to the ground’s upper stands and kitted up for the 100 yard long zip across the pitch. The strong wind made for an extra exciting kick to the adrenaline which was no doubt already pumping in all those participating.

Our very own Stevenson house manager, Joan Coker, also decide to have a go as a special birthday treat, that, and as a life long West Ham supporter she couldn’t miss this unique opportunity!

The event was run by Zip Slide UK and the team did a fantastic job of calming everyone’s nerves as well as getting them excited about what lay ahead of them. We were joined by a number of other charities on the day, including a wildlife one whose supporters all dressed up as gorillas (that was quite the sight to see!)

The final money count isn’t in yet, but we are looking at raising in excess of £700, which is brilliant considering it was quite a small event.

Thanks again to everyone who was involved. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.