Wednesday 21 October 2009

Here's our first special guest blog from Jackie Worth, who stayed at Guilford House when her son, Hayden, was seriously ill last year.

In November 2008, our five year old son Hayden was rushed to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London, suffering from kidney failure.

After weeks of misdiagnosis, due to the illness being mistaken for the vomiting virus that was doing the rounds at school, our lives were turned upside down in an instance and we found ourselves leaving Essex on the way to London.

After admitting Hayden for some scans at GOSH, my husband and I realised that as we might be in London for the long haul we needed to find somewhere to stay. The hospital explained that only one parent would be allowed to stay with him on the ward and the other would have to find alternative accommodation.

We were directed to the Western House - parental accommodation across from GOSH - but unfortunately it was full up. Panic started to set in at the thought of the cost of spending night after night in a hotel or bed and breakfast, but thankfully one of the Western House staff recommended The Sick Children’s Trust’s Guilford House, which luckily had room to spare.

From the moment we entered the house, Tina, the House Manager, made us feel right at home. She showed us round and talked us through all the facilities and even showed us the best route to get to the hospital, as we had kept getting lost. The house was a blessing; as it was so close by to the hospital, my husband and I could take it in turns to sit by Hayden’s bed whilst the other one would go back to the Guilford House to get some much needed sleep and use the wash facilities.

Hayden spent 10 days at GOSH receiving his treatment and we stayed at Guildford House throughout this time, completely free of charge. He will have to go back into hospital after Christmas for 10 more days for a second operation but this time at least it’s comforting to know we will be back in familiar surroundings with people who are going through the same experiences we are. We can not thank The Sick Children’s Trust enough for its support.

Friday 16 October 2009


Hello and welcome to The Sick Children's Trust new blog! Okay, so there's not much going on right now but that's all set to change as we head into winter. Stay tuned for some exciting blog-ness from our team.

PS. In the meantime, why not visit our
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